Pharmaceutical science is a Comprehensive study of Medical science and Engineering, it includes core subjects like Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Regulatory Affairs.
for the completion of Bachelor of Pharmacy has to clear nearly 21 Subjects and 18 labs.
There are many kinds of job openings are available for Pharma Graduates and Post Graduates, In Govt Sectors jobs like Drug Inspectors, Analyst, Pharmacist, Faculty in various Govt colleges and Universities, CDSCO and PIC dept.
In private also a huge number of jobs openings are available like Pharmacist, Clinical Pharmacist, Production chemist to Manager, Quality Assurance dept., Quality control dept., Regulatory Affairs dept., Marketing Dept. and Pharmacovigilance and Medical writing.
For those who wants to start their career in pharma sector should has good knowledge of Pharma and its related information.