Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Different Types of Vaccines


Vaccines are prepared to use as the Preventive inoculation to develop Immunity against targeted Disease, like Poliomyelitis.
This preparation contains Killed or Weakened Bacteria or Viruses, Which act as Antigen, this antigen starts activating Immune System to develop respective Antibody.

When the Actual Bacteria or Virus Enter into the body the Immune System Identify the Bacteria, Virus or Its metabolites/ its related proteins, which act as Antigen and this antigen will be Identified by Immune System and Antibodies will be released, With help of this Immune Cell (Antibodies) and other cells from Complementary System together kill the Bacteria,Virus or Its related Particles.

Following are the classification of Vaccines:

Bacterial vaccines
Anthrax vaccines
Brucellosis vaccines
Cholera vaccines
Diphtheria vaccines
Haemophilus influenza B vaccines
Meningococcal vaccines
Pertussis vaccines
Plague vaccines
Pneumococcal vaccines
Tetanus vaccines
Tuberculosis vaccines
Typhoid vaccines
Typhus (exanthematicus) vaccines

Viral vaccines
Encephalitis vaccines
Influenza vaccines
Hepatitis vaccines
Measles vaccines
Mumps vaccines
Poliomyelitis vaccines
Rabies vaccines
Rotavirus diarrhea vaccines
Rubella vaccines
Varicella zoster vaccines
Yellow fever vaccines
Papillomavirus vaccines

Combination Of Bacterial and viral vaccines
Hemophilus influenza B and poliomyelitis
Diphtheria-hepatitis B-pertussis-tetanus
Diphtheria-Hemophilus influenza B-pertussis-poliomyelitis-tetanus
Diphtheria-hepatitis B-tetanus
Hemophilus influenza B and hepatitis B
Diphtheria-Haemophilus influenza B-pertussis-poliomyelitis-tetanus-hepatitis B
Typhoid-hepatitis A
Diphtheria-Hemophilus influenza B-pertussis-tetanus-hepatitis B
Diphtheria-pertussis-poliomyelitis-tetanus-hepatitis B
Diphtheria-Haemophilus influenza B-pertussis-tetanus-hepatitis B-meningococcus A + C
